Welcome to the PTO

Welcome to the Angier PTO!

The Angier PTO is a non-profit, volunteer organization committed to enriching our children’s educational experiences and fostering a sense of community at our school. All faculty members, parents and guardians of students at Angier are members of the Angier PTO. No PTO dues are required. 

We all work together to support our children, our teachers, and our school. We take great pride in the strength of our PTO and encourage you to learn more about our programs, to explore the many opportunities to get involved in our school community, and to support us in our goals. We will help you stay informed, and provide avenues for you to participate, to meet other parents and, hopefully, find a way that you’d like to donate some of your time, talent and resources to strengthen our school. We can’t do it without you, and we look forward to working together!

All the best,
Katherine Biotti, Tracee Herbaugh and Jeremy Weltman
Angier PTO coPresidents

What we do and how you can help

What does the PTO actually do and where does the money go? Why do we need your help? And how can you help, if you want to?  Click on the links below to find out more.

Where do the dollars go? 

Our committees

How you can help